About me


ODAD is just the begining of an adventure a 18 year old girl has taken, it was born on 2012 as a project but it became  something to love since 2015 when finally ODAD was on the internet. ODAD is based on a creative mind, we all have that virtue it is just about time for you to discover it, and here you can find interesting articles about how to develop the creative person in the inner you. So let's take some time to look for it and make our lives as colourful as the rainbow and always remember creativity is not just a  word but a way of living.


My name is Josselyn Díaz a AM student and PM blogger. I was born in San salvador where I am living, a university student at the national university of El Salvador, my passion for painting and creative stuff has been one of the things I have developed since last year when I was on holiday vacations I discovered I absolutely love painting and most of the time you will me painting and making doodles on my notebooks, I am a believer everyone has a gift and mine is this one which I want to perfect but in the while I try to do this I would love to share it with you. So I'd love you to follow me through this colourful way called LIFE...
